GitHub Project Integration

GitLab provides integration for updating pipeline statuses on GitHub. This is especially useful if using GitLab for CI/CD only.

This project integration is separate from the instance wide GitHub integration and is automatically configured on GitHub import.

Pipeline status update on GitHub


Complete these steps on GitHub

This integration requires a GitHub API token with repo:status access granted:

  1. Go to your "Personal access tokens" page at
  2. Click "Generate New Token"
  3. Ensure that repo:status is checked and click "Generate token"
  4. Copy the generated token to use on GitLab

Complete these steps on GitLab

  1. Navigate to the project you want to configure.
  2. Navigate to the Integrations page
  3. Click "GitHub".
  4. Select the "Active" checkbox.
  5. Paste the token you've generated on GitHub
  6. Enter the path to your project on GitHub, such as ""
  7. Save or optionally click "Test Settings".

Configure GitHub Project Integration