Commit 69a1db4d by liang ce


parent b9e8a5d1
import axios from 'axios'
import qs from 'qs'
// axios.defaults.baseURL = '' // 本地荣
// axios.defaults.baseURL = '' // 本地钱
axios.defaults.baseURL = '' // beta环境
axios.defaults.baseURL = '' // 本地钱
// axios.defaults.baseURL = '' // beta环境
let loadingInstance // 创建Loading 的实例
axios.defaults.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem('token')}` // 设置请求头为 Authorization
// 配置发送请求前的拦截器可以设置token信息
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<a-select-option value="REFUND_SUCCESS">已退款</a-select-option>
<a-select placeholder="收银员" :allowClear="true" style="width: 120px;margin-right: 20px;" @change="selectagent">
<a-select-option v-for="item in agentList" :value="item.userId" :key="item.userId">{{}}</a-select-option>
<a-select-option v-for="item in agentList" :value="item.ddUserId" :key="item.ddUserId">{{}}</a-select-option>
<a-button type="primary" @click="search()">查询</a-button>
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