Commit 1554a45c by liang ce


parent 31983ebc
......@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ export default new Router({
path: '/cashierManagement',
name: 'cashierManagement',
meta: { title: '支付管理/收银员管理' },
meta: { title: '支付管理/设置收银员' },
component: resolve => require(['./components/pages/PaymentManagement/CashierManagement.vue'], resolve)
path: '/SetAdministrators',
name: 'SetAdministrators',
meta: { title: '支付管理/收银员管理' },
meta: { title: '支付管理/设置管理员' },
component: resolve => require(['./components/pages/PaymentManagement/SetAdministrators.vue'], resolve)
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