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Commit 139a882d by liang ce


parent be28a4a1
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<a-switch checkedChildren="开" unCheckedChildren="关" defaultChecked :checked="OrgSettingData.consumeSwitch !== '' && OrgSettingData.consumeSwitch !== 'CLOSE'" @change='consumeSwitchOnChange'/>
<a-switch checkedChildren="开" unCheckedChildren="关" defaultChecked :checked="OrgSettingData.consumeNotice !== '' && OrgSettingData.consumeNotice !== 'CLOSE'" @change='consumeSwitchOnChange'/>
<div style="margin-top: 60px;margin-left: 200px">
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ export default {
console.log(`a-switch to ${checked}`)
consumeSwitchOnChange (checked) {
this.OrgSettingData.consumeSwitch = checked ? 'OPEN' : 'CLOSE'
this.OrgSettingData.consumeNotice = checked ? 'OPEN' : 'CLOSE'
console.log(`a-switch to ${checked}`)
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