# Contributing GuidelinesContributions are always welcome!**Before spending lots of time on something, ask for feedback on your idea first!**Please search issues and pull requests before adding something new to avoid duplicating efforts and conversations.## InstallingFork and clone the repo, then `npm install` to install all dependencies and `npm test` to ensure all is okey before you start anything.## TestingTests are run with `npm test`. Please ensure all tests are passing before submitting a pull request (unless you're creating a failing test to increase test coverage or show a problem).## Code Style[![standard][standard-image]][standard-url]This repository uses [`standard`][standard-url] to maintain code style and consistency, and to avoid style arguments. You are encouraged to install it globally. `npm test` runs `standard` so you don't have to!```npm i standard -g```It is intentional to don't have `standard`, `istanbul` and `coveralls` in the devDependencies. Travis will handle all that stuffs. That approach will save bandwidth also installing and development time.[standard-image]:https://cdn.rawgit.com/feross/standard/master/badge.svg[standard-url]:https://github.com/feross/standard