Commit a61b02c2 by fengzhaoyu


parent eb6422a9
......@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
<view class="chooseType" onTap="chooseType">
<text a:if="{{orderType === ''}}">全部</text>
<text a:if="{{orderType === 'consume' && statusList === 'SUCCESS'}}">消费</text>
<text a:if="{{orderType === 'recharge'}}">充值</text>
<text a:if="{{orderType === 'consume' && statusList === 'REFUND_SUCCESS'}}">退款</text>
<text a:if="{{orderType === 'CONSUME' && statusList === 'SUCCESS'}}">消费</text>
<text a:if="{{orderType === 'RECHARGE'}}">充值</text>
<text a:if="{{orderType === 'CONSUME' && statusList === 'REFUND_SUCCESS'}}">退款</text>
<view class="icon_more"></view>
<view a:if="{{orderType === 'consume'}}" class="chooseAllowanceType" onTap="choosesCeneType" a:if="{{orderType === 'consume'}}">
<view a:if="{{orderType === 'CONSUME'}}" class="chooseAllowanceType" onTap="choosesCeneType" a:if="{{orderType === 'CONSUME'}}">
<text a:if="{{sceneType === ''}}">全部</text>
<text a:if="{{sceneType === 'MEAL'}}">餐补津贴</text>
<text a:if="{{sceneType === 'TRAVEL'}}">交通补助</text>
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