import _extends from 'babel-runtime/helpers/extends'; import _defineProperty from 'babel-runtime/helpers/defineProperty'; import _objectWithoutProperties from 'babel-runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import { getOptionProps, getComponentFromProp } from '../_util/props-util'; import VcSwitch from '../vc-switch'; import Wave from '../_util/wave'; import Icon from '../icon'; var Switch = { name: 'ASwitch', model: { prop: 'checked', event: 'change' }, props: { prefixCls: PropTypes.string.def('ant-switch'), // size=default and size=large are the same size: PropTypes.oneOf(['small', 'default', 'large']), disabled: PropTypes.bool, checkedChildren: PropTypes.any, unCheckedChildren: PropTypes.any, tabIndex: PropTypes.number, checked: PropTypes.bool, defaultChecked: PropTypes.bool, autoFocus: PropTypes.bool, loading: PropTypes.bool }, methods: { focus: function focus() { this.$refs.refSwitchNode.focus(); }, blur: function blur() { this.$refs.refSwitchNode.blur(); } }, render: function render() { var _classes; var h = arguments[0]; var _getOptionProps = getOptionProps(this), prefixCls = _getOptionProps.prefixCls, size = _getOptionProps.size, loading = _getOptionProps.loading, disabled = _getOptionProps.disabled, restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_getOptionProps, ['prefixCls', 'size', 'loading', 'disabled']); var classes = (_classes = {}, _defineProperty(_classes, prefixCls + '-small', size === 'small'), _defineProperty(_classes, prefixCls + '-loading', loading), _classes); var loadingIcon = loading ? h(Icon, { attrs: { type: 'loading' }, 'class': prefixCls + '-loading-icon' }) : null; var switchProps = { props: _extends({}, restProps, { prefixCls: prefixCls, loadingIcon: loadingIcon, checkedChildren: getComponentFromProp(this, 'checkedChildren'), unCheckedChildren: getComponentFromProp(this, 'unCheckedChildren'), disabled: disabled || loading }), on: this.$listeners, 'class': classes, ref: 'refSwitchNode' }; return h( Wave, { attrs: { insertExtraNode: true } }, [h(VcSwitch, switchProps)] ); } }; /* istanbul ignore next */ Switch.install = function (Vue) { Vue.component(, Switch); }; export default Switch;