.first-transform() {
  transform+: rotate(90deg), skew(30deg);
.second-transform() {
  transform+: scale(2,4);
.third-transform() {
  transform: scaleX(45deg);
.fourth-transform() {
  transform+: scaleX(45deg);
.fifth-transform() {
  transform+: scale(2,4) !important;
.first-background() {
  background+: url(data://img1.png);
.second-background() {
  background+: url(data://img2.png);

.test1 {
  // Can merge values
.test2 {
  // Won't merge values without +: merge directive, for backwards compatibility with css
.test3 {
  // Won't merge values from two sources with different properties
.test4 {
.test5 {
  .second-transform() !important;
.test6 {
.test7 {
  // inherit !important from merged subrules
  .second-transform() !important;

.test-interleaved {
    transform+:  t1;
    background+: b1;
    transform+:  t2;
    background+: b2, b3;
    transform+:  t3;

.test-spaced {
    transform+_:  t1;
    background+_: b1;
    transform+_:  t2;
    background+_: b2, b3;
    transform+_:  t3;

.test-interleaved-with-spaced {
    transform+_:  t1s;
    transform+:   t2;
    background+:  b1;
    transform+_:  t3s;
    transform+:   t4 t5s;
    background+_: b2s, b3;
    transform+_:  t6s;
    background+:  b4;