# caniuse-api [](https://travis-ci.org/Nyalab/caniuse-api) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/MoOx/caniuse-api/branch/master) request the caniuse data to check browsers compatibilities ## Installation ```console $ yarn add caniuse-api ``` ## Usage ```js const caniuse = require('caniuse-api') caniuse.getSupport('border-radius') caniuse.isSupported('border-radius', 'ie 8, ie 9') caniuse.setBrowserScope('> 5%, last 1 version') caniuse.getSupport('border-radius') // ... ``` ## API #### `caniuse.getSupport(feature)` _ask since which browsers versions a feature is available_ * `y`: Since which browser version the feature is available * `n`: Up to which browser version the feature is unavailable * `a`: Up to which browser version the feature is partially supported * `x`: Up to which browser version the feature is prefixed ```js caniuse.getSupport('border-radius', true) /* { and_chr: { y: 67 }, and_ff: { y: 60 }, and_qq: { y: 1.2 }, and_uc: { y: 11.8 }, android: { y: 2.1, x: 2.1 }, baidu: { y: 7.12 }, chrome: { y: 4, x: 4 }, edge: { y: 12 }, firefox: { a: 2, x: 3.6, y: 3 }, ie: { n: 8, y: 9 }, ie_mob: { y: 10 }, ios_saf: { y: 3.2, x: 3.2 }, op_mini: {}, op_mob: { n: 10, y: 11 }, opera: { n: 10, y: 10.5 }, safari: { y: 3.1, x: 4 }, samsung: { y: 4 } } */ ``` #### `caniuse.isSupported(feature, browsers)` _ask if a feature is supported by some browsers_ ```js caniuse.isSupported('border-radius', 'ie 8, ie 9') // false caniuse.isSupported('border-radius', 'ie 9') // true ``` #### `caniuse.find(query)` _search for a caniuse feature name_ Ex: ```js caniuse.find('radius') // ['border-radius'] caniuse.find('nothingness') // [] caniuse.find('css3') /* [ 'css3-attr', 'css3-boxsizing', 'css3-colors', 'css3-cursors-grab', 'css3-cursors-newer', 'css3-cursors', 'css3-tabsize' ] */ ``` #### `caniuse.getLatestStableBrowsers()` _get the current version for each browser_ ```js caniuse.getLatestStableBrowsers() /* [ 'and_chr 67', 'and_ff 60', 'and_qq 1.2', 'and_uc 11.8', 'android 67', 'baidu 7.12', 'bb 10', 'chrome 67', 'edge 17', 'firefox 61', 'ie 11', 'ie_mob 11', 'ios_saf 11.3-11.4', 'op_mini all', 'op_mob 46', 'opera 53', 'safari 11.1', 'samsung 7.2' ] */ ``` #### `caniuse.getBrowserScope()` _returns a list of browsers currently used for the scope of operations_ ```js caniuse.getBrowserScope() /* [ 'and_chr', 'and_ff', 'and_qq', 'and_uc', 'android', 'baidu', 'chrome', 'edge', 'firefox', 'ie', 'ie_mob', 'ios_saf', 'op_mini', 'op_mob', 'opera', 'safari', 'samsung' ] */ ``` #### `caniuse.setBrowserScope(browserscope)` _if you do not like the default browser scope, you can set it globally by using this method_ * browserscope should be a 'autoprefixer' formatted string ```js caniuse.setBrowserScope('> 5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, Opera 12.1') ``` --- ## [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) ## [License](LICENSE)