'use strict'

const BB = require('bluebird')

const contentPath = require('./path')
const fs = require('graceful-fs')
const PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough
const pipe = BB.promisify(require('mississippi').pipe)
const ssri = require('ssri')
const Y = require('../util/y.js')


module.exports = read
function read (cache, integrity, opts) {
  opts = opts || {}
  return pickContentSri(cache, integrity).then(content => {
    const sri = content.sri
    const cpath = contentPath(cache, sri)
    return fs.readFileAsync(cpath, null).then(data => {
      if (typeof opts.size === 'number' && opts.size !== data.length) {
        throw sizeError(opts.size, data.length)
      } else if (ssri.checkData(data, sri)) {
        return data
      } else {
        throw integrityError(sri, cpath)

module.exports.stream = readStream
module.exports.readStream = readStream
function readStream (cache, integrity, opts) {
  opts = opts || {}
  const stream = new PassThrough()
    cache, integrity
  ).then(content => {
    const sri = content.sri
    return pipe(
      fs.createReadStream(contentPath(cache, sri)),
        integrity: sri,
        size: opts.size
  }).catch(err => {
    stream.emit('error', err)
  return stream

if (fs.copyFile) {
  module.exports.copy = copy
function copy (cache, integrity, dest, opts) {
  opts = opts || {}
  return pickContentSri(cache, integrity).then(content => {
    const sri = content.sri
    const cpath = contentPath(cache, sri)
    return fs.copyFileAsync(cpath, dest).then(() => content.size)

module.exports.hasContent = hasContent
function hasContent (cache, integrity) {
  if (!integrity) { return BB.resolve(false) }
  return pickContentSri(cache, integrity)
  .catch({code: 'ENOENT'}, () => false)
  .catch({code: 'EPERM'}, err => {
    if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
      throw err
    } else {
      return false
  }).then(content => {
    if (!content.sri) return false
    return ({ sri: content.sri, size: content.stat.size })

module.exports._pickContentSri = pickContentSri
function pickContentSri (cache, integrity) {
  const sri = ssri.parse(integrity)
  // If `integrity` has multiple entries, pick the first digest
  // with available local data.
  const algo = sri.pickAlgorithm()
  const digests = sri[algo]
  if (digests.length <= 1) {
    const cpath = contentPath(cache, digests[0])
    return fs.lstatAsync(cpath).then(stat => ({ sri: digests[0], stat }))
  } else {
    return BB.any(sri[sri.pickAlgorithm()].map(meta => {
      return pickContentSri(cache, meta)
    .catch(err => {
      if ([].some.call(err, e => e.code === 'ENOENT')) {
        throw Object.assign(
          new Error('No matching content found for ' + sri.toString()),
          {code: 'ENOENT'}
      } else {
        throw err[0]

function sizeError (expected, found) {
  var err = new Error(Y`Bad data size: expected inserted data to be ${expected} bytes, but got ${found} instead`)
  err.expected = expected
  err.found = found
  err.code = 'EBADSIZE'
  return err

function integrityError (sri, path) {
  var err = new Error(Y`Integrity verification failed for ${sri} (${path})`)
  err.code = 'EINTEGRITY'
  err.sri = sri
  err.path = path
  return err