import _extends from 'babel-runtime/helpers/extends'; import PropTypes from '../../_util/vue-types'; import warning from '../../_util/warning'; import BaseMixin from '../../_util/BaseMixin'; import { hasProp } from '../../_util/props-util'; import Track from './common/Track'; import createSlider from './common/createSlider'; import * as utils from './utils'; var Slider = { name: 'Slider', mixins: [BaseMixin], props: { defaultValue: PropTypes.number, value: PropTypes.number, disabled: PropTypes.bool, autoFocus: PropTypes.bool, tabIndex: PropTypes.number, min: PropTypes.number, max: PropTypes.number }, data: function data() { var defaultValue = this.defaultValue !== undefined ? this.defaultValue : this.min; var value = this.value !== undefined ? this.value : defaultValue; if (utils.isDev()) { warning(!hasProp(this, 'minimumTrackStyle'), 'minimumTrackStyle will be deprecate, please use trackStyle instead.'); warning(!hasProp(this, 'maximumTrackStyle'), 'maximumTrackStyle will be deprecate, please use railStyle instead.'); } return { sValue: this.trimAlignValue(value), dragging: false }; }, mounted: function mounted() { var _this = this; this.$nextTick(function () { var autoFocus = _this.autoFocus, disabled = _this.disabled; if (autoFocus && !disabled) { _this.focus(); } }); }, watch: { value: { handler: function handler(val) { var min = this.min, max = this.max; this.setChangeValue(val, min, max); }, deep: true }, min: function min(val) { var sValue = this.sValue, max = this.max; this.setChangeValue(sValue, val, max); }, max: function max(val) { var sValue = this.sValue, min = this.min; this.setChangeValue(sValue, min, val); } }, methods: { setChangeValue: function setChangeValue(value, min, max) { var minAmaxProps = { min: min, max: max }; var newValue = value !== undefined ? value : this.sValue; var nextValue = this.trimAlignValue(newValue, minAmaxProps); if (nextValue === this.sValue) return; this.setState({ sValue: nextValue }); if (utils.isValueOutOfRange(newValue, minAmaxProps)) { this.$emit('change', nextValue); } }, onChange: function onChange(state) { var isNotControlled = !hasProp(this, 'value'); if (isNotControlled) { this.setState(state); } var changedValue = state.sValue; this.$emit('change', changedValue); }, onStart: function onStart(position) { this.setState({ dragging: true }); var sValue = this.sValue; this.$emit('beforeChange', sValue); var value = this.calcValueByPos(position); this.startValue = value; this.startPosition = position; if (value === sValue) return; this.prevMovedHandleIndex = 0; this.onChange({ sValue: value }); }, onEnd: function onEnd() { this.setState({ dragging: false }); this.removeDocumentEvents(); this.$emit('afterChange', this.sValue); }, onMove: function onMove(e, position) { utils.pauseEvent(e); var sValue = this.sValue; var value = this.calcValueByPos(position); if (value === sValue) return; this.onChange({ sValue: value }); }, onKeyboard: function onKeyboard(e) { var valueMutator = utils.getKeyboardValueMutator(e); if (valueMutator) { utils.pauseEvent(e); var sValue = this.sValue; var mutatedValue = valueMutator(sValue, this.$props); var value = this.trimAlignValue(mutatedValue); if (value === sValue) return; this.onChange({ sValue: value }); } }, getLowerBound: function getLowerBound() { return this.min; }, getUpperBound: function getUpperBound() { return this.sValue; }, trimAlignValue: function trimAlignValue(v) { var nextProps = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; if (v === null) { return null; } var mergedProps = _extends({}, this.$props, nextProps); var val = utils.ensureValueInRange(v, mergedProps); return utils.ensureValuePrecision(val, mergedProps); }, getTrack: function getTrack(_ref) { var prefixCls = _ref.prefixCls, vertical = _ref.vertical, included = _ref.included, offset = _ref.offset, minimumTrackStyle = _ref.minimumTrackStyle, _trackStyle = _ref._trackStyle; var h = this.$createElement; return h(Track, { 'class': prefixCls + '-track', attrs: { vertical: vertical, included: included, offset: 0, length: offset }, style: _extends({}, minimumTrackStyle, _trackStyle) }); }, renderSlider: function renderSlider() { var _this2 = this; var prefixCls = this.prefixCls, vertical = this.vertical, included = this.included, disabled = this.disabled, minimumTrackStyle = this.minimumTrackStyle, trackStyle = this.trackStyle, handleStyle = this.handleStyle, tabIndex = this.tabIndex, min = this.min, max = this.max, handle = this.handle, defaultHandle = this.defaultHandle; var handleGenerator = handle || defaultHandle; var sValue = this.sValue, dragging = this.dragging; var offset = this.calcOffset(sValue); var handles = handleGenerator({ className: prefixCls + '-handle', prefixCls: prefixCls, vertical: vertical, offset: offset, value: sValue, dragging: dragging, disabled: disabled, min: min, max: max, index: 0, tabIndex: tabIndex, style: handleStyle[0] || handleStyle, directives: [{ name: 'ant-ref', value: function value(h) { return _this2.saveHandle(0, h); } }], on: { focus: this.onFocus, blur: this.onBlur } }); var _trackStyle = trackStyle[0] || trackStyle; return { tracks: this.getTrack({ prefixCls: prefixCls, vertical: vertical, included: included, offset: offset, minimumTrackStyle: minimumTrackStyle, _trackStyle: _trackStyle }), handles: handles }; } } }; export default createSlider(Slider);