module.exports = // Colors from RouterOS terminal: // green - #0E9A00 // teal - #0C9A9A // purple - #99069A // light-brown - #9A9900 function(hljs) { var STATEMENTS = 'foreach do while for if from to step else on-error and or not in'; // Global commands: Every global command should start with ":" token, otherwise it will be treated as variable. var GLOBAL_COMMANDS = 'global local beep delay put len typeof pick log time set find environment terminal error execute parse resolve toarray tobool toid toip toip6 tonum tostr totime'; // Common commands: Following commands available from most sub-menus: var COMMON_COMMANDS = 'add remove enable disable set get print export edit find run debug error info warning'; var LITERALS = 'true false yes no nothing nil null'; var OBJECTS = 'traffic-flow traffic-generator firewall scheduler aaa accounting address-list address align area bandwidth-server bfd bgp bridge client clock community config connection console customer default dhcp-client dhcp-server discovery dns e-mail ethernet filter firewall firmware gps graphing group hardware health hotspot identity igmp-proxy incoming instance interface ip ipsec ipv6 irq l2tp-server lcd ldp logging mac-server mac-winbox mangle manual mirror mme mpls nat nd neighbor network note ntp ospf ospf-v3 ovpn-server page peer pim ping policy pool port ppp pppoe-client pptp-server prefix profile proposal proxy queue radius resource rip ripng route routing screen script security-profiles server service service-port settings shares smb sms sniffer snmp snooper socks sstp-server system tool tracking type upgrade upnp user-manager users user vlan secret vrrp watchdog web-access wireless pptp pppoe lan wan layer7-protocol lease simple raw'; // print parameters // Several parameters are available for print command: // ToDo: var PARAMETERS_PRINT = 'append as-value brief detail count-only file follow follow-only from interval terse value-list without-paging where info'; // ToDo: var OPERATORS = '&& and ! not || or in ~ ^ & << >> + - * /'; // ToDo: var TYPES = 'num number bool boolean str string ip ip6-prefix id time array'; // ToDo: The following tokens serve as delimiters in the grammar: () [] {} : ; $ / var VAR_PREFIX = 'global local set for foreach'; var VAR = { className: 'variable', variants: [ {begin: /\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/}, {begin: /\$\{(.*?)}/} ] }; var QUOTE_STRING = { className: 'string', begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, VAR, { className: 'variable', begin: /\$\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] } ] }; var APOS_STRING = { className: 'string', begin: /'/, end: /'/ }; var IPADDR = '((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\\b'; var IPADDR_wBITMASK = IPADDR+'/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|\\d)'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return { aliases: ['routeros', 'mikrotik'], case_insensitive: true, lexemes: /:?[\w-]+/, keywords: { literal: LITERALS, keyword: STATEMENTS + ' :' + STATEMENTS.split(' ').join(' :') + ' :' + GLOBAL_COMMANDS.split(' ').join(' :'), }, contains: [ { // недопустимые конструкции variants: [ { begin: /^@/, end: /$/, }, // dns { begin: /\/\*/, end: /\*\//, }, // -- comment { begin: /%%/, end: /$/, }, // -- comment { begin: /^'/, end: /$/, }, // Monkey one line comment { begin: /^\s*\/[\w-]+=/, end: /$/, }, // jboss-cli { begin: /\/\//, end: /$/, }, // Stan comment { begin: /^\[\</, end: /\>\]$/, }, // F# class declaration? { begin: /<\//, end: />/, }, // HTML tags { begin: /^facet /, end: /\}/, }, // roboconf - лютый костыль ))) { begin: '^1\\.\\.(\\d+)$', end: /$/, }, // tap ], illegal: /./, }, hljs.COMMENT('^#', '$'), QUOTE_STRING, APOS_STRING, VAR, { // attribute=value begin: /[\w-]+\=([^\s\{\}\[\]\(\)]+)/, relevance: 0, returnBegin: true, contains: [ { className: 'attribute', begin: /[^=]+/ }, { begin: /=/, endsWithParent: true, relevance: 0, contains: [ QUOTE_STRING, APOS_STRING, VAR, { className: 'literal', begin: '\\b(' + LITERALS.split(' ').join('|') + ')\\b', }, /*{ // IPv4 addresses and subnets className: 'number', variants: [ {begin: IPADDR_wBITMASK+'(,'+IPADDR_wBITMASK+')*'}, //, {begin: IPADDR+'-'+IPADDR}, // {begin: IPADDR+'(,'+IPADDR+')*'}, //,,, ] }, // */ /*{ // MAC addresses and DHCP Client IDs className: 'number', begin: /\b(1:)?([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]){1,2}\b/, }, //*/ { // Не форматировать не классифицированные значения. Необходимо для исключения подсветки значений как built_in. // className: 'number', begin: /("[^"]*"|[^\s\{\}\[\]]+)/, }, //*/ ] } //*/ ] },//*/ { // HEX values className: 'number', begin: /\*[0-9a-fA-F]+/, }, //*/ { begin: '\\b(' + COMMON_COMMANDS.split(' ').join('|') + ')([\\s\[\(]|\])', returnBegin: true, contains: [ { className: 'builtin-name', //'function', begin: /\w+/, }, ], }, { className: 'built_in', variants: [ {begin: '(\\.\\./|/|\\s)((' + OBJECTS.split(' ').join('|') + ');?\\s)+',relevance: 10,}, {begin: /\.\./,}, ], },//*/ ] }; };