import _extends from 'babel-runtime/helpers/extends'; import _toConsumableArray from 'babel-runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray'; /* eslint-disable camelcase */ import shallowequal from 'shallowequal'; import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import classes from 'component-classes'; import PropTypes from '../../_util/vue-types'; import { debounce, warningOnce } from './utils'; import addEventListener from '../../_util/Dom/addEventListener'; import { Provider, create } from '../../_util/store'; import ColumnManager from './ColumnManager'; import HeadTable from './HeadTable'; import BodyTable from './BodyTable'; import ExpandableTable from './ExpandableTable'; import { initDefaultProps, getOptionProps } from '../../_util/props-util'; import BaseMixin from '../../_util/BaseMixin'; export default { name: 'Table', mixins: [BaseMixin], props: initDefaultProps({ data: PropTypes.array, useFixedHeader: PropTypes.bool, columns: PropTypes.array, prefixCls: PropTypes.string, bodyStyle: PropTypes.object, rowKey: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func]), rowClassName: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func]), customRow: PropTypes.func, customHeaderRow: PropTypes.func, // onRowClick: PropTypes.func, // onRowDoubleClick: PropTypes.func, // onRowContextMenu: PropTypes.func, // onRowMouseEnter: PropTypes.func, // onRowMouseLeave: PropTypes.func, showHeader: PropTypes.bool, title: PropTypes.func, id: PropTypes.string, footer: PropTypes.func, emptyText: PropTypes.any, scroll: PropTypes.object, rowRef: PropTypes.func, getBodyWrapper: PropTypes.func, components: PropTypes.shape({ table: PropTypes.any, header: PropTypes.shape({ wrapper: PropTypes.any, row: PropTypes.any, cell: PropTypes.any }), body: PropTypes.shape({ wrapper: PropTypes.any, row: PropTypes.any, cell: PropTypes.any }) }), expandIconAsCell: PropTypes.bool, expandedRowKeys: PropTypes.array, expandedRowClassName: PropTypes.func, defaultExpandAllRows: PropTypes.bool, defaultExpandedRowKeys: PropTypes.array, expandIconColumnIndex: PropTypes.number, expandedRowRender: PropTypes.func, childrenColumnName: PropTypes.string, indentSize: PropTypes.number, expandRowByClick: PropTypes.bool, expandIcon: PropTypes.func }, { data: [], useFixedHeader: false, rowKey: 'key', rowClassName: function rowClassName() { return ''; }, prefixCls: 'rc-table', bodyStyle: {}, showHeader: true, scroll: {}, rowRef: function rowRef() { return null; }, emptyText: function emptyText() { return 'No Data'; }, customHeaderRow: function customHeaderRow() {} }), data: function data() { this.preData = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(; return { columnManager: new ColumnManager(this.columns), sComponents: merge({ table: 'table', header: { wrapper: 'thead', row: 'tr', cell: 'th' }, body: { wrapper: 'tbody', row: 'tr', cell: 'td' } }, this.components) }; }, watch: { components: function components() { this._components = merge({ table: 'table', header: { wrapper: 'thead', row: 'tr', cell: 'th' }, body: { wrapper: 'tbody', row: 'tr', cell: 'td' } }, this.components); }, columns: function columns(val) { if (val) { this.columnManager.reset(val); } }, data: function data(val) { var _this = this; if (val.length === 0 && this.hasScrollX()) { this.$nextTick(function () { _this.resetScrollX(); }); } } }, // static childContextTypes = { // table: PropTypes.any, // components: PropTypes.any, // }, created: function created() { var _this2 = this; ['rowClick', 'rowDoubleclick', 'rowContextmenu', 'rowMouseenter', 'rowMouseleave'].forEach(function (name) { warningOnce(_this2.$listeners[name] === undefined, name + ' is deprecated, please use customRow instead.'); }); warningOnce(this.getBodyWrapper === undefined, 'getBodyWrapper is deprecated, please use custom components instead.'); // this.columnManager = new ColumnManager(this.columns, this.$slots.default) = create({ currentHoverKey: null, fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight: [], fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight: {} }); this.setScrollPosition('left'); this.debouncedWindowResize = debounce(this.handleWindowResize, 150); }, provide: function provide() { return { table: this }; }, mounted: function mounted() { var _this3 = this; this.$nextTick(function () { if (_this3.columnManager.isAnyColumnsFixed()) { _this3.handleWindowResize(); _this3.resizeEvent = addEventListener(window, 'resize', _this3.debouncedWindowResize); } // if (_this3.ref_headTable) { _this3.ref_headTable.scrollLeft = 0; } if (_this3.ref_bodyTable) { _this3.ref_bodyTable.scrollLeft = 0; } }); }, updated: function updated() { var _this4 = this; this.$nextTick(function () { if (_this4.columnManager.isAnyColumnsFixed()) { _this4.handleWindowResize(); if (!_this4.resizeEvent) { _this4.resizeEvent = addEventListener(window, 'resize', _this4.debouncedWindowResize); } } }); }, beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() { if (this.resizeEvent) { this.resizeEvent.remove(); } if (this.debouncedWindowResize) { this.debouncedWindowResize.cancel(); } }, methods: { getRowKey: function getRowKey(record, index) { var rowKey = this.rowKey; var key = typeof rowKey === 'function' ? rowKey(record, index) : record[rowKey]; warningOnce(key !== undefined, 'Each record in table should have a unique `key` prop,' + 'or set `rowKey` to an unique primary key.'); return key === undefined ? index : key; }, setScrollPosition: function setScrollPosition(position) { this.scrollPosition = position; if (this.$refs.tableNode) { var prefixCls = this.prefixCls; if (position === 'both') { classes(this.$refs.tableNode).remove(new RegExp('^' + prefixCls + '-scroll-position-.+$')).add(prefixCls + '-scroll-position-left').add(prefixCls + '-scroll-position-right'); } else { classes(this.$refs.tableNode).remove(new RegExp('^' + prefixCls + '-scroll-position-.+$')).add(prefixCls + '-scroll-position-' + position); } } }, setScrollPositionClassName: function setScrollPositionClassName() { var node = this.ref_bodyTable; var scrollToLeft = node.scrollLeft === 0; var scrollToRight = node.scrollLeft + 1 >= node.children[0].getBoundingClientRect().width - node.getBoundingClientRect().width; if (scrollToLeft && scrollToRight) { this.setScrollPosition('both'); } else if (scrollToLeft) { this.setScrollPosition('left'); } else if (scrollToRight) { this.setScrollPosition('right'); } else if (this.scrollPosition !== 'middle') { this.setScrollPosition('middle'); } }, handleWindowResize: function handleWindowResize() { this.syncFixedTableRowHeight(); this.setScrollPositionClassName(); }, syncFixedTableRowHeight: function syncFixedTableRowHeight() { var tableRect = this.$refs.tableNode.getBoundingClientRect(); // If tableNode's height less than 0, suppose it is hidden and don't recalculate rowHeight. // see: if (tableRect.height !== undefined && tableRect.height <= 0) { return; } var prefixCls = this.prefixCls; var headRows = this.ref_headTable ? this.ref_headTable.querySelectorAll('thead') : this.ref_bodyTable.querySelectorAll('thead'); var bodyRows = this.ref_bodyTable.querySelectorAll('.' + prefixCls + '-row') || []; var fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight = [], function (row) { return row.getBoundingClientRect().height || 'auto'; }); var state =; var fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight = [], function (acc, row) { var rowKey = row.getAttribute('data-row-key'); var height = row.getBoundingClientRect().height || state.fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight[rowKey] || 'auto'; acc[rowKey] = height; return acc; }, {}); if (shallowequal(state.fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight, fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight) && shallowequal(state.fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight, fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight)) { return; }{ fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight: fixedColumnsHeadRowsHeight, fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight: fixedColumnsBodyRowsHeight }); }, resetScrollX: function resetScrollX() { if (this.ref_headTable) { this.ref_headTable.scrollLeft = 0; } if (this.ref_bodyTable) { this.ref_bodyTable.scrollLeft = 0; } }, hasScrollX: function hasScrollX() { var _scroll = this.scroll, scroll = _scroll === undefined ? {} : _scroll; return 'x' in scroll; }, handleBodyScrollLeft: function handleBodyScrollLeft(e) { // Fix if (e.currentTarget !== { return; } var target =; var _scroll2 = this.scroll, scroll = _scroll2 === undefined ? {} : _scroll2; var ref_headTable = this.ref_headTable, ref_bodyTable = this.ref_bodyTable; if (target.scrollLeft !== this.lastScrollLeft && scroll.x) { if (target === ref_bodyTable && ref_headTable) { ref_headTable.scrollLeft = target.scrollLeft; } else if (target === ref_headTable && ref_bodyTable) { ref_bodyTable.scrollLeft = target.scrollLeft; } this.setScrollPositionClassName(); } // Remember last scrollLeft for scroll direction detecting. this.lastScrollLeft = target.scrollLeft; }, handleBodyScrollTop: function handleBodyScrollTop(e) { var target =; // Fix if (e.currentTarget !== target) { return; } var _scroll3 = this.scroll, scroll = _scroll3 === undefined ? {} : _scroll3; var ref_headTable = this.ref_headTable, ref_bodyTable = this.ref_bodyTable, ref_fixedColumnsBodyLeft = this.ref_fixedColumnsBodyLeft, ref_fixedColumnsBodyRight = this.ref_fixedColumnsBodyRight; if (target.scrollTop !== this.lastScrollTop && scroll.y && target !== ref_headTable) { var scrollTop = target.scrollTop; if (ref_fixedColumnsBodyLeft && target !== ref_fixedColumnsBodyLeft) { ref_fixedColumnsBodyLeft.scrollTop = scrollTop; } if (ref_fixedColumnsBodyRight && target !== ref_fixedColumnsBodyRight) { ref_fixedColumnsBodyRight.scrollTop = scrollTop; } if (ref_bodyTable && target !== ref_bodyTable) { ref_bodyTable.scrollTop = scrollTop; } } // Remember last scrollTop for scroll direction detecting. this.lastScrollTop = target.scrollTop; }, handleBodyScroll: function handleBodyScroll(e) { this.handleBodyScrollLeft(e); this.handleBodyScrollTop(e); }, handleWheel: function handleWheel(event) { var _$props$scroll = this.$props.scroll, scroll = _$props$scroll === undefined ? {} : _$props$scroll; if (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7\./) && scroll.y) { event.preventDefault(); var wd = event.deltaY; var target =; var bodyTable = this.ref_bodyTable, fixedColumnsBodyLeft = this.ref_fixedColumnsBodyLeft, fixedColumnsBodyRight = this.ref_fixedColumnsBodyRight; var scrollTop = 0; if (this.lastScrollTop) { scrollTop = this.lastScrollTop + wd; } else { scrollTop = wd; } if (fixedColumnsBodyLeft && target !== fixedColumnsBodyLeft) { fixedColumnsBodyLeft.scrollTop = scrollTop; } if (fixedColumnsBodyRight && target !== fixedColumnsBodyRight) { fixedColumnsBodyRight.scrollTop = scrollTop; } if (bodyTable && target !== bodyTable) { bodyTable.scrollTop = scrollTop; } } }, saveChildrenRef: function saveChildrenRef(name, node) { this['ref_' + name] = node; }, renderMainTable: function renderMainTable() { var h = this.$createElement; var scroll = this.scroll, prefixCls = this.prefixCls; var isAnyColumnsFixed = this.columnManager.isAnyColumnsFixed(); var scrollable = isAnyColumnsFixed || scroll.x || scroll.y; var table = [this.renderTable({ columns: this.columnManager.groupedColumns(), isAnyColumnsFixed: isAnyColumnsFixed }), this.renderEmptyText(), this.renderFooter()]; return scrollable ? h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-scroll' }, [table] ) : table; }, renderLeftFixedTable: function renderLeftFixedTable() { var h = this.$createElement; var prefixCls = this.prefixCls; return h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-fixed-left' }, [this.renderTable({ columns: this.columnManager.leftColumns(), fixed: 'left' })] ); }, renderRightFixedTable: function renderRightFixedTable() { var h = this.$createElement; var prefixCls = this.prefixCls; return h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-fixed-right' }, [this.renderTable({ columns: this.columnManager.rightColumns(), fixed: 'right' })] ); }, renderTable: function renderTable(options) { var h = this.$createElement; var columns = options.columns, fixed = options.fixed, isAnyColumnsFixed = options.isAnyColumnsFixed; var prefixCls = this.prefixCls, _scroll4 = this.scroll, scroll = _scroll4 === undefined ? {} : _scroll4; var tableClassName = scroll.x || fixed ? prefixCls + '-fixed' : ''; var headTable = h(HeadTable, { key: 'head', attrs: { columns: columns, fixed: fixed, tableClassName: tableClassName, handleBodyScrollLeft: this.handleBodyScrollLeft, expander: this.expander } }); var bodyTable = h(BodyTable, { key: 'body', attrs: { columns: columns, fixed: fixed, tableClassName: tableClassName, getRowKey: this.getRowKey, handleWheel: this.handleWheel, handleBodyScroll: this.handleBodyScroll, expander: this.expander, isAnyColumnsFixed: isAnyColumnsFixed } }); return [headTable, bodyTable]; }, renderTitle: function renderTitle() { var h = this.$createElement; var title = this.title, prefixCls = this.prefixCls, data =; return title ? h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-title', key: 'title' }, [title(data)] ) : null; }, renderFooter: function renderFooter() { var h = this.$createElement; var footer = this.footer, prefixCls = this.prefixCls, data =; return footer ? h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-footer', key: 'footer' }, [footer(data)] ) : null; }, renderEmptyText: function renderEmptyText() { var h = this.$createElement; var emptyText = this.emptyText, prefixCls = this.prefixCls, data =; if (data.length) { return null; } var emptyClassName = prefixCls + '-placeholder'; return h( 'div', { 'class': emptyClassName, key: 'emptyText' }, [typeof emptyText === 'function' ? emptyText() : emptyText] ); } }, render: function render() { var _this5 = this; var h = arguments[0]; var props = getOptionProps(this); var $listeners = this.$listeners, columnManager = this.columnManager, getRowKey = this.getRowKey; var prefixCls = props.prefixCls; var className = props.prefixCls; if (props.useFixedHeader || props.scroll && props.scroll.y) { className += ' ' + prefixCls + '-fixed-header'; } if (this.scrollPosition === 'both') { className += ' ' + prefixCls + '-scroll-position-left ' + prefixCls + '-scroll-position-right'; } else { className += ' ' + prefixCls + '-scroll-position-' + this.scrollPosition; } var hasLeftFixed = columnManager.isAnyColumnsLeftFixed(); var hasRightFixed = columnManager.isAnyColumnsRightFixed(); var expandableTableProps = { props: _extends({}, props, { columnManager: columnManager, getRowKey: getRowKey }), on: _extends({}, $listeners), scopedSlots: { 'default': function _default(expander) { _this5.expander = expander; return h( 'div', { ref: 'tableNode', 'class': className // style={} // id={} }, [_this5.renderTitle(), h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-content' }, [_this5.renderMainTable(), hasLeftFixed && _this5.renderLeftFixedTable(), hasRightFixed && _this5.renderRightFixedTable()] )] ); } } }; return h( Provider, { attrs: { store: } }, [h(ExpandableTable, expandableTableProps)] ); } };