 * @author Toru Nagashima <https://github.com/mysticatea>
/* eslint-disable eslint-plugin/report-message-format, consistent-docs-description */

'use strict'

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

const COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_B = /^\s*(eslint-(?:en|dis)able)(?:\s+(\S|\S[\s\S]*\S))?\s*$/
const COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_L = /^\s*(eslint-disable(?:-next)?-line)(?:\s+(\S|\S[\s\S]*\S))?\s*$/

 * Parse a given comment.
 * @param {RegExp} pattern The RegExp pattern to parse.
 * @param {string} comment The comment value to parse.
 * @returns {({type:string,rules:string[]})|null} The parsing result.
function parse (pattern, comment) {
  const match = pattern.exec(comment)
  if (match == null) {
    return null

  const type = match[1]
  const rules = (match[2] || '')
    .map(s => s.trim())

  return { type, rules }

 * Enable rules.
 * @param {RuleContext} context The rule context.
 * @param {{line:number,column:number}} loc The location information to enable.
 * @param {string} group The group to enable.
 * @param {string[]} rules The rule IDs to enable.
 * @returns {void}
function enable (context, loc, group, rules) {
  if (rules.length === 0) {
    context.report({ loc, message: '++ {{group}}', data: { group }})
  } else {
    context.report({ loc, message: '+ {{group}} {{rules}}', data: { group, rules: rules.join(' ') }})

 * Disable rules.
 * @param {RuleContext} context The rule context.
 * @param {{line:number,column:number}} loc The location information to disable.
 * @param {string} group The group to disable.
 * @param {string[]} rules The rule IDs to disable.
 * @returns {void}
function disable (context, loc, group, rules) {
  if (rules.length === 0) {
    context.report({ loc, message: '-- {{group}}', data: { group }})
  } else {
    context.report({ loc, message: '- {{group}} {{rules}}', data: { group, rules: rules.join(' ') }})

 * Process a given comment token.
 * If the comment is `eslint-disable` or `eslint-enable` then it reports the comment.
 * @param {RuleContext} context The rule context.
 * @param {Token} comment The comment token to process.
 * @returns {void}
function processBlock (context, comment) {
  const parsed = parse(COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_B, comment.value)
  if (parsed != null) {
    if (parsed.type === 'eslint-disable') {
      disable(context, comment.loc.start, 'block', parsed.rules)
    } else {
      enable(context, comment.loc.start, 'block', parsed.rules)

 * Process a given comment token.
 * If the comment is `eslint-disable-line` or `eslint-disable-next-line` then it reports the comment.
 * @param {RuleContext} context The rule context.
 * @param {Token} comment The comment token to process.
 * @returns {void}
function processLine (context, comment) {
  const parsed = parse(COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_L, comment.value)
  if (parsed != null && comment.loc.start.line === comment.loc.end.line) {
    const line = comment.loc.start.line + (parsed.type === 'eslint-disable-line' ? 0 : 1)
    const column = -1
    disable(context, { line, column }, 'line', parsed.rules)
    enable(context, { line: line + 1, column }, 'line', parsed.rules)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

module.exports = {
  meta: {
    type: 'problem',
    docs: {
      description: 'support comment-directives in `<template>`',
      category: 'base',
      url: 'https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/comment-directive.html'
    schema: []

  create (context) {
    return {
      Program (node) {
        if (!node.templateBody) {

        // Send directives to the post-process.
        for (const comment of node.templateBody.comments) {
          processBlock(context, comment)
          processLine(context, comment)

        // Send a clear mark to the post-process.
          loc: node.templateBody.loc.end,
          message: 'clear'