const bfj = require('bfj'); const path = require('path'); const mkdir = require('mkdirp'); const {bold} = require('chalk'); const Logger = require('./Logger'); const viewer = require('./viewer'); class BundleAnalyzerPlugin { constructor(opts) { this.opts = { analyzerMode: 'server', analyzerHost: '', analyzerPort: 8888, reportFilename: 'report.html', defaultSizes: 'parsed', openAnalyzer: true, generateStatsFile: false, statsFilename: 'stats.json', statsOptions: null, excludeAssets: null, logLevel: 'info', // deprecated startAnalyzer: true, ...opts }; this.server = null; this.logger = new Logger(this.opts.logLevel); } apply(compiler) { this.compiler = compiler; const done = (stats, callback) => { callback = callback || (() => {}); stats = stats.toJson(this.opts.statsOptions); const actions = []; if (this.opts.generateStatsFile) { actions.push(() => this.generateStatsFile(stats)); } // Handling deprecated `startAnalyzer` flag if (this.opts.analyzerMode === 'server' && !this.opts.startAnalyzer) { this.opts.analyzerMode = 'disabled'; } if (this.opts.analyzerMode === 'server') { actions.push(() => this.startAnalyzerServer(stats)); } else if (this.opts.analyzerMode === 'static') { actions.push(() => this.generateStaticReport(stats)); } if (actions.length) { // Making analyzer logs to be after all webpack logs in the console setImmediate(async () => { try { await Promise.all( => action())); callback(); } catch (e) { callback(e); } }); } else { callback(); } }; if (compiler.hooks) { compiler.hooks.done.tapAsync('webpack-bundle-analyzer', done); } else { compiler.plugin('done', done); } } async generateStatsFile(stats) { const statsFilepath = path.resolve(this.compiler.outputPath, this.opts.statsFilename); mkdir.sync(path.dirname(statsFilepath)); try { await bfj.write(statsFilepath, stats, { space: 2, promises: 'ignore', buffers: 'ignore', maps: 'ignore', iterables: 'ignore', circular: 'ignore' }); `${bold('Webpack Bundle Analyzer')} saved stats file to ${bold(statsFilepath)}` ); } catch (error) { this.logger.error( `${bold('Webpack Bundle Analyzer')} error saving stats file to ${bold(statsFilepath)}: ${error}` ); } } async startAnalyzerServer(stats) { if (this.server) { (await this.server).updateChartData(stats); } else { this.server = viewer.startServer(stats, { openBrowser: this.opts.openAnalyzer, host: this.opts.analyzerHost, port: this.opts.analyzerPort, bundleDir: this.getBundleDirFromCompiler(), logger: this.logger, defaultSizes: this.opts.defaultSizes, excludeAssets: this.opts.excludeAssets }); } } async generateStaticReport(stats) { await viewer.generateReport(stats, { openBrowser: this.opts.openAnalyzer, reportFilename: path.resolve(this.compiler.outputPath, this.opts.reportFilename), bundleDir: this.getBundleDirFromCompiler(), logger: this.logger, defaultSizes: this.opts.defaultSizes, excludeAssets: this.opts.excludeAssets }); } getBundleDirFromCompiler() { return ( === 'MemoryFileSystem') ? null : this.compiler.outputPath; } } module.exports = BundleAnalyzerPlugin;