# dom-align

align source html element with target html element flexibly.

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[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/yiminghe/dom-align
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## Screenshot

<img height=444 src="http://gtms02.alicdn.com/tps/i2/TB1XIp2HXXXXXajaXXXgJfr8XXX-548-888.png">

## Install


## Feature

* support IE9+ chrome firefox
* support align points and offset
* support auto adjust according to visible area

## Online Demo

* http://yiminghe.github.io/dom-align/

## Usage

import domAlign from 'dom-align';

// use domAlign
// sourceNode's initial style should be position:absolute;left:-9999px;top:-9999px;

const alignConfig = {
  points: ['tl', 'tr'],        // align top left point of sourceNode with top right point of targetNode
  offset: [10, 20],            // the offset sourceNode by 10px in x and 20px in y,
  targetOffset: ['30%','40%'], // the offset targetNode by 30% of targetNode width in x and 40% of targetNode height in y,
  overflow: { adjustX: true, adjustY: true }, // auto adjust position when sourceNode is overflowed

domAlign(sourceNode, targetNode, alignConfig);

## API

### void domAlign(source: HTMLElement, target: HTMLElement, alignConfig: Object):Function

#### alignConfig object details

<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <th style="width: 100px;">name</th>
        <th style="width: 50px;">type</th>
          <td>move point of source node to align with point of target node, such as ['tr','cc'],
          align top right point of source node with center point of target node.
          point can be 't'(top), 'b'(bottom), 'c'(center), 'l'(left), 'r'(right)
          <td>offset source node by offset[0] in x and offset[1] in y. 
          If offset contains percentage string value, it is relative to sourceNode region.</td>
          <td>offset target node by offset[0] in x and offset[1] in y. 
          If targetOffset contains percentage string value, it is relative to targetNode region.</td>
          <td>Object: `{ adjustX: true, adjustY: true }`</td>
          <td>if adjustX field is true, then will adjust source node in x direction if source node is invisible.
          if adjustY field is true, then will adjust source node in y direction if source node is invisible.
          <td>whether use css right instead of left to position</td>
          <td>whether use css bottom instead of top to position</td>
          <td>whether use css transform instead of left/top/right/bottom to position if browser supports.
          Defaults to false.</td>

## Development

npm install
npm start

## Example


## Test Case

npm test
npm run chrome-test

## Coverage

npm run coverage

open coverage/ dir

## License

dom-align is released under the MIT license.