index.js 2 KB
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const pathType = require('path-type');

const getExtensions = extensions => extensions.length > 1 ? `{${extensions.join(',')}}` : extensions[0];

const getPath = (filepath, cwd) => {
	const pth = filepath[0] === '!' ? filepath.slice(1) : filepath;
	return path.isAbsolute(pth) ? pth : path.join(cwd, pth);

const addExtensions = (file, extensions) => {
	if (path.extname(file)) {
		return `**/${file}`;

	return `**/${file}.${getExtensions(extensions)}`;

const getGlob = (dir, opts) => {
	if (opts.files && !Array.isArray(opts.files)) {
		throw new TypeError(`Expected \`files\` to be of type \`Array\` but received type \`${typeof opts.files}\``);

	if (opts.extensions && !Array.isArray(opts.extensions)) {
		throw new TypeError(`Expected \`extensions\` to be of type \`Array\` but received type \`${typeof opts.extensions}\``);

	if (opts.files && opts.extensions) {
		return => path.join(dir, addExtensions(x, opts.extensions)));

	if (opts.files) {
		return => path.join(dir, `**/${x}`));

	if (opts.extensions) {
		return [path.join(dir, `**/*.${getExtensions(opts.extensions)}`)];

	return [path.join(dir, '**')];

module.exports = (input, opts) => {
	opts = Object.assign({cwd: process.cwd()}, opts);

	if (typeof opts.cwd !== 'string') {
		return Promise.reject(new TypeError(`Expected \`cwd\` to be of type \`string\` but received type \`${typeof opts.cwd}\``));

	return Promise.all([].concat(input).map(x => pathType.dir(getPath(x, opts.cwd))
		.then(isDir => isDir ? getGlob(x, opts) : x)))
		.then(globs => [].concat.apply([], globs));

module.exports.sync = (input, opts) => {
	opts = Object.assign({cwd: process.cwd()}, opts);

	if (typeof opts.cwd !== 'string') {
		throw new TypeError(`Expected \`cwd\` to be of type \`string\` but received type \`${typeof opts.cwd}\``);

	const globs = [].concat(input).map(x => pathType.dirSync(getPath(x, opts.cwd)) ? getGlob(x, opts) : x);
	return [].concat.apply([], globs);