index.js 8.26 KB
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'use strict';
/* global __resourceQuery WorkerGlobalScope self */

/* eslint prefer-destructuring: off */

var querystring = require('querystring');

var url = require('url');

var stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi');

var log = require('loglevel').getLogger('webpack-dev-server');

var socket = require('./socket');

var overlay = require('./overlay');

function getCurrentScriptSource() {
  // `document.currentScript` is the most accurate way to find the current script,
  // but is not supported in all browsers.
  if (document.currentScript) {
    return document.currentScript.getAttribute('src');
  } // Fall back to getting all scripts in the document.

  var scriptElements = document.scripts || [];
  var currentScript = scriptElements[scriptElements.length - 1];

  if (currentScript) {
    return currentScript.getAttribute('src');
  } // Fail as there was no script to use.

  throw new Error('[WDS] Failed to get current script source.');

var urlParts;
var hotReload = true;

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  var qs =;
  hotReload = qs.indexOf('hotreload=false') === -1;

if (typeof __resourceQuery === 'string' && __resourceQuery) {
  // If this bundle is inlined, use the resource query to get the correct url.
  urlParts = url.parse(__resourceQuery.substr(1));
} else {
  // Else, get the url from the <script> this file was called with.
  var scriptHost = getCurrentScriptSource(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape

  scriptHost = scriptHost.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '');
  urlParts = url.parse(scriptHost || '/', false, true);

if (!urlParts.port || urlParts.port === '0') {
  urlParts.port = self.location.port;

var _hot = false;
var initial = true;
var currentHash = '';
var useWarningOverlay = false;
var useErrorOverlay = false;
var useProgress = false;
var INFO = 'info';
var WARNING = 'warning';
var ERROR = 'error';
var NONE = 'none'; // Set the default log level

log.setDefaultLevel(INFO); // Send messages to the outside, so plugins can consume it.

function sendMsg(type, data) {
  if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && (typeof WorkerGlobalScope === 'undefined' || !(self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope))) {
      type: "webpack".concat(type),
      data: data
    }, '*');

var onSocketMsg = {
  hot: function hot() {
    _hot = true;'[WDS] Hot Module Replacement enabled.');
  invalid: function invalid() {'[WDS] App updated. Recompiling...'); // fixes #1042. overlay doesn't clear if errors are fixed but warnings remain.

    if (useWarningOverlay || useErrorOverlay) {

  hash: function hash(_hash) {
    currentHash = _hash;
  'still-ok': function stillOk() {'[WDS] Nothing changed.');

    if (useWarningOverlay || useErrorOverlay) {

  'log-level': function logLevel(level) {
    var hotCtx = require.context('webpack/hot', false, /^\.\/log$/);

    if (hotCtx.keys().indexOf('./log') !== -1) {

    switch (level) {
      case INFO:
      case ERROR:

      case WARNING:
        // loglevel's warning name is different from webpack's

      case NONE:

        log.error("[WDS] Unknown clientLogLevel '".concat(level, "'"));
  overlay: function overlay(value) {
    if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
      if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
        useWarningOverlay = false;
        useErrorOverlay = value;
      } else if (value) {
        useWarningOverlay = value.warnings;
        useErrorOverlay = value.errors;
  progress: function progress(_progress) {
    if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
      useProgress = _progress;
  'progress-update': function progressUpdate(data) {
    if (useProgress) {"[WDS] ".concat(data.percent, "% - ").concat(data.msg, "."));

    sendMsg('Progress', data);
  ok: function ok() {

    if (useWarningOverlay || useErrorOverlay) {

    if (initial) {
      return initial = false;
    } // eslint-disable-line no-return-assign

  'content-changed': function contentChanged() {'[WDS] Content base changed. Reloading...');
  warnings: function warnings(_warnings) {
    log.warn('[WDS] Warnings while compiling.');

    var strippedWarnings = (warning) {
      return stripAnsi(warning);

    sendMsg('Warnings', strippedWarnings);

    for (var i = 0; i < strippedWarnings.length; i++) {

    if (useWarningOverlay) {

    if (initial) {
      return initial = false;
    } // eslint-disable-line no-return-assign

  errors: function errors(_errors) {
    log.error('[WDS] Errors while compiling. Reload prevented.');

    var strippedErrors = (error) {
      return stripAnsi(error);

    sendMsg('Errors', strippedErrors);

    for (var i = 0; i < strippedErrors.length; i++) {

    if (useErrorOverlay) {

    initial = false;
  error: function error(_error) {
  close: function close() {
    log.error('[WDS] Disconnected!');
var hostname = urlParts.hostname;
var protocol = urlParts.protocol;
var port = urlParts.port; // check ipv4 and ipv6 `all hostname`

if (hostname === '' || hostname === '::') {
  // why do we need this check?
  // hostname n/a for file protocol (example, when using electron, ionic)
  // see:
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
  if (self.location.hostname && !!~self.location.protocol.indexOf('http')) {
    hostname = self.location.hostname;
    port = self.location.port;
} // `hostname` can be empty when the script path is relative. In that case, specifying
// a protocol would result in an invalid URL.
// When https is used in the app, secure websockets are always necessary
// because the browser doesn't accept non-secure websockets.

if (hostname && (self.location.protocol === 'https:' || urlParts.hostname === '')) {
  protocol = self.location.protocol;

var socketUrl = url.format({
  protocol: protocol,
  auth: urlParts.auth,
  hostname: hostname,
  port: port,
  // If sockPath is provided it'll be passed in via the __resourceQuery as a
  // query param so it has to be parsed out of the querystring in order for the
  // client to open the socket to the correct location.
  pathname: urlParts.path == null || urlParts.path === '/' ? '/sockjs-node' : querystring.parse(urlParts.path).sockPath || urlParts.path
socket(socketUrl, onSocketMsg);
var isUnloading = false;
self.addEventListener('beforeunload', function () {
  isUnloading = true;

function reloadApp() {
  if (isUnloading || !hotReload) {

  if (_hot) {'[WDS] App hot update...'); // eslint-disable-next-line global-require

    var hotEmitter = require('webpack/hot/emitter');

    hotEmitter.emit('webpackHotUpdate', currentHash);

    if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self.window) {
      // broadcast update to window
      self.postMessage("webpackHotUpdate".concat(currentHash), '*');
  } else {
    var rootWindow = self; // use parent window for reload (in case we're in an iframe with no valid src)

    var intervalId = self.setInterval(function () {
      if (rootWindow.location.protocol !== 'about:') {
        // reload immediately if protocol is valid
        applyReload(rootWindow, intervalId);
      } else {
        rootWindow = rootWindow.parent;

        if (rootWindow.parent === rootWindow) {
          // if parent equals current window we've reached the root which would continue forever, so trigger a reload anyways
          applyReload(rootWindow, intervalId);

  function applyReload(rootWindow, intervalId) {
    clearInterval(intervalId);'[WDS] App updated. Reloading...');