iframe.js 3.75 KB
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'use strict';

// Few cool transports do work only for same-origin. In order to make
// them work cross-domain we shall use iframe, served from the
// remote domain. New browsers have capabilities to communicate with
// cross domain iframe using postMessage(). In IE it was implemented
// from IE 8+, but of course, IE got some details wrong:
//    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc197015(v=VS.85).aspx
//    http://stevesouders.com/misc/test-postmessage.php

var inherits = require('inherits')
  , JSON3 = require('json3')
  , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
  , version = require('../version')
  , urlUtils = require('../utils/url')
  , iframeUtils = require('../utils/iframe')
  , eventUtils = require('../utils/event')
  , random = require('../utils/random')

var debug = function() {};
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
  debug = require('debug')('sockjs-client:transport:iframe');

function IframeTransport(transport, transUrl, baseUrl) {
  if (!IframeTransport.enabled()) {
    throw new Error('Transport created when disabled');

  var self = this;
  this.origin = urlUtils.getOrigin(baseUrl);
  this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
  this.transUrl = transUrl;
  this.transport = transport;
  this.windowId = random.string(8);

  var iframeUrl = urlUtils.addPath(baseUrl, '/iframe.html') + '#' + this.windowId;
  debug(transport, transUrl, iframeUrl);

  this.iframeObj = iframeUtils.createIframe(iframeUrl, function(r) {
    debug('err callback');
    self.emit('close', 1006, 'Unable to load an iframe (' + r + ')');

  this.onmessageCallback = this._message.bind(this);
  eventUtils.attachEvent('message', this.onmessageCallback);

inherits(IframeTransport, EventEmitter);

IframeTransport.prototype.close = function() {
  if (this.iframeObj) {
    eventUtils.detachEvent('message', this.onmessageCallback);
    try {
      // When the iframe is not loaded, IE raises an exception
      // on 'contentWindow'.
    } catch (x) {
      // intentionally empty
    this.iframeObj = null;
    this.onmessageCallback = this.iframeObj = null;

IframeTransport.prototype._message = function(e) {
  debug('message', e.data);
  if (!urlUtils.isOriginEqual(e.origin, this.origin)) {
    debug('not same origin', e.origin, this.origin);

  var iframeMessage;
  try {
    iframeMessage = JSON3.parse(e.data);
  } catch (ignored) {
    debug('bad json', e.data);

  if (iframeMessage.windowId !== this.windowId) {
    debug('mismatched window id', iframeMessage.windowId, this.windowId);

  switch (iframeMessage.type) {
  case 's':
    // window global dependency
    this.postMessage('s', JSON3.stringify([
    , this.transport
    , this.transUrl
    , this.baseUrl
  case 't':
    this.emit('message', iframeMessage.data);
  case 'c':
    var cdata;
    try {
      cdata = JSON3.parse(iframeMessage.data);
    } catch (ignored) {
      debug('bad json', iframeMessage.data);
    this.emit('close', cdata[0], cdata[1]);

IframeTransport.prototype.postMessage = function(type, data) {
  debug('postMessage', type, data);
    windowId: this.windowId
  , type: type
  , data: data || ''
  }), this.origin);

IframeTransport.prototype.send = function(message) {
  debug('send', message);
  this.postMessage('m', message);

IframeTransport.enabled = function() {
  return iframeUtils.iframeEnabled;

IframeTransport.transportName = 'iframe';
IframeTransport.roundTrips = 2;

module.exports = IframeTransport;