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(function(root, factory) {
    'use strict';
    // Universal Module Definition (UMD) to support AMD, CommonJS/Node.js, Rhino, and browsers.

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        define('error-stack-parser', ['stackframe'], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
        module.exports = factory(require('stackframe'));
    } else {
        root.ErrorStackParser = factory(root.StackFrame);
}(this, function ErrorStackParser(StackFrame) {
    'use strict';

    var FIREFOX_SAFARI_STACK_REGEXP = /(^|@)\S+\:\d+/;
    var CHROME_IE_STACK_REGEXP = /^\s*at .*(\S+\:\d+|\(native\))/m;
    var SAFARI_NATIVE_CODE_REGEXP = /^(eval@)?(\[native code\])?$/;

    return {
         * Given an Error object, extract the most information from it.
         * @param {Error} error object
         * @return {Array} of StackFrames
        parse: function ErrorStackParser$$parse(error) {
            if (typeof error.stacktrace !== 'undefined' || typeof error['opera#sourceloc'] !== 'undefined') {
                return this.parseOpera(error);
            } else if (error.stack && error.stack.match(CHROME_IE_STACK_REGEXP)) {
                return this.parseV8OrIE(error);
            } else if (error.stack) {
                return this.parseFFOrSafari(error);
            } else {
                throw new Error('Cannot parse given Error object');

        // Separate line and column numbers from a string of the form: (URI:Line:Column)
        extractLocation: function ErrorStackParser$$extractLocation(urlLike) {
            // Fail-fast but return locations like "(native)"
            if (urlLike.indexOf(':') === -1) {
                return [urlLike];

            var regExp = /(.+?)(?:\:(\d+))?(?:\:(\d+))?$/;
            var parts = regExp.exec(urlLike.replace(/[\(\)]/g, ''));
            return [parts[1], parts[2] || undefined, parts[3] || undefined];

        parseV8OrIE: function ErrorStackParser$$parseV8OrIE(error) {
            var filtered = error.stack.split('\n').filter(function(line) {
                return !!line.match(CHROME_IE_STACK_REGEXP);
            }, this);

            return {
                if (line.indexOf('(eval ') > -1) {
                    // Throw away eval information until we implement stacktrace.js/stackframe#8
                    line = line.replace(/eval code/g, 'eval').replace(/(\(eval at [^\()]*)|(\)\,.*$)/g, '');
                var tokens = line.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\(eval code/g, '(').split(/\s+/).slice(1);
                var locationParts = this.extractLocation(tokens.pop());
                var functionName = tokens.join(' ') || undefined;
                var fileName = ['eval', '<anonymous>'].indexOf(locationParts[0]) > -1 ? undefined : locationParts[0];

                return new StackFrame({
                    functionName: functionName,
                    fileName: fileName,
                    lineNumber: locationParts[1],
                    columnNumber: locationParts[2],
                    source: line
            }, this);

        parseFFOrSafari: function ErrorStackParser$$parseFFOrSafari(error) {
            var filtered = error.stack.split('\n').filter(function(line) {
                return !line.match(SAFARI_NATIVE_CODE_REGEXP);
            }, this);

            return {
                // Throw away eval information until we implement stacktrace.js/stackframe#8
                if (line.indexOf(' > eval') > -1) {
                    line = line.replace(/ line (\d+)(?: > eval line \d+)* > eval\:\d+\:\d+/g, ':$1');

                if (line.indexOf('@') === -1 && line.indexOf(':') === -1) {
                    // Safari eval frames only have function names and nothing else
                    return new StackFrame({
                        functionName: line
                } else {
                    var functionNameRegex = /((.*".+"[^@]*)?[^@]*)(?:@)/;
                    var matches = line.match(functionNameRegex);
                    var functionName = matches && matches[1] ? matches[1] : undefined;
                    var locationParts = this.extractLocation(line.replace(functionNameRegex, ''));

                    return new StackFrame({
                        functionName: functionName,
                        fileName: locationParts[0],
                        lineNumber: locationParts[1],
                        columnNumber: locationParts[2],
                        source: line
            }, this);

        parseOpera: function ErrorStackParser$$parseOpera(e) {
            if (!e.stacktrace || (e.message.indexOf('\n') > -1 &&
                e.message.split('\n').length > e.stacktrace.split('\n').length)) {
                return this.parseOpera9(e);
            } else if (!e.stack) {
                return this.parseOpera10(e);
            } else {
                return this.parseOpera11(e);

        parseOpera9: function ErrorStackParser$$parseOpera9(e) {
            var lineRE = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)/i;
            var lines = e.message.split('\n');
            var result = [];

            for (var i = 2, len = lines.length; i < len; i += 2) {
                var match = lineRE.exec(lines[i]);
                if (match) {
                    result.push(new StackFrame({
                        fileName: match[2],
                        lineNumber: match[1],
                        source: lines[i]

            return result;

        parseOpera10: function ErrorStackParser$$parseOpera10(e) {
            var lineRE = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: In function (\S+))?$/i;
            var lines = e.stacktrace.split('\n');
            var result = [];

            for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i += 2) {
                var match = lineRE.exec(lines[i]);
                if (match) {
                        new StackFrame({
                            functionName: match[3] || undefined,
                            fileName: match[2],
                            lineNumber: match[1],
                            source: lines[i]

            return result;

        // Opera 10.65+ Error.stack very similar to FF/Safari
        parseOpera11: function ErrorStackParser$$parseOpera11(error) {
            var filtered = error.stack.split('\n').filter(function(line) {
                return !!line.match(FIREFOX_SAFARI_STACK_REGEXP) && !line.match(/^Error created at/);
            }, this);

            return {
                var tokens = line.split('@');
                var locationParts = this.extractLocation(tokens.pop());
                var functionCall = (tokens.shift() || '');
                var functionName = functionCall
                        .replace(/<anonymous function(: (\w+))?>/, '$2')
                        .replace(/\([^\)]*\)/g, '') || undefined;
                var argsRaw;
                if (functionCall.match(/\(([^\)]*)\)/)) {
                    argsRaw = functionCall.replace(/^[^\(]+\(([^\)]*)\)$/, '$1');
                var args = (argsRaw === undefined || argsRaw === '[arguments not available]') ?
                    undefined : argsRaw.split(',');

                return new StackFrame({
                    functionName: functionName,
                    args: args,
                    fileName: locationParts[0],
                    lineNumber: locationParts[1],
                    columnNumber: locationParts[2],
                    source: line
            }, this);