node-pre-gyp.js 4.59 KB
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"use strict";

 * Module exports.

module.exports = exports;

 * Module dependencies.

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var nopt = require('nopt');
var log = require('npmlog');
var napi = require('./util/napi.js');

var EE = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var commands = [
var aliases = {};

// differentiate node-pre-gyp's logs from npm's
log.heading = 'node-pre-gyp';

exports.find = require('./pre-binding').find;

function Run() {
  var self = this;

  this.commands = {};

  commands.forEach(function (command) {
    self.commands[command] = function (argv, callback) {
      log.verbose('command', command, argv);
      return require('./' + command)(self, argv, callback);
inherits(Run, EE);
exports.Run = Run;
var proto = Run.prototype;

 * Export the contents of the package.json.

proto.package = require('../package.json');

 * nopt configuration definitions

proto.configDefs = {
    help: Boolean,     // everywhere
    arch: String,      // 'configure'
    debug: Boolean,    // 'build'
    directory: String, // bin
    proxy: String,     // 'install'
    loglevel: String,  // everywhere

 * nopt shorthands

proto.shorthands = {
    release: '--no-debug',
    C: '--directory',
    debug: '--debug',
    j: '--jobs',
    silent: '--loglevel=silent',
    silly: '--loglevel=silly',
    verbose: '--loglevel=verbose',

 * expose the command aliases for the bin file to use.

proto.aliases = aliases;

 * Parses the given argv array and sets the 'opts',
 * 'argv' and 'command' properties.

proto.parseArgv = function parseOpts (argv) {
  this.opts = nopt(this.configDefs, this.shorthands, argv);
  this.argv = this.opts.argv.remain.slice();
  var commands = this.todo = [];

  // create a copy of the argv array with aliases mapped
  argv = (arg) {
    // is this an alias?
    if (arg in this.aliases) {
      arg = this.aliases[arg];
    return arg;
  }, this);

  // process the mapped args into "command" objects ("name" and "args" props)
  argv.slice().forEach(function (arg) {
    if (arg in this.commands) {
      var args = argv.splice(0, argv.indexOf(arg));
      if (commands.length > 0) {
        commands[commands.length - 1].args = args;
      commands.push({ name: arg, args: [] });
  }, this);
  if (commands.length > 0) {
    commands[commands.length - 1].args = argv.splice(0);

  // expand commands entries for multiple napi builds
  var dir =;
  if (dir == null) dir = process.cwd();
  var package_json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir,'package.json')));

  this.todo = napi.expand_commands (package_json, this.opts, commands);

  // support for inheriting config env variables from npm
  var npm_config_prefix = 'npm_config_';
  Object.keys(process.env).forEach(function (name) {
    if (name.indexOf(npm_config_prefix) !== 0) return;
    var val = process.env[name];
    if (name === npm_config_prefix + 'loglevel') {
      log.level = val;
    } else {
      // add the user-defined options to the config
      name = name.substring(npm_config_prefix.length);
      // avoid npm argv clobber already present args
      // which avoids problem of 'npm test' calling
      // script that runs unique npm install commands
      if (name === 'argv') {
         if (this.opts.argv &&
             this.opts.argv.remain &&
             this.opts.argv.remain.length) {
            // do nothing
         } else {
            this.opts[name] = val;
      } else {
        this.opts[name] = val;
  }, this);

  if (this.opts.loglevel) {
    log.level = this.opts.loglevel;

 * Returns the usage instructions for node-pre-gyp.

proto.usage = function usage () {
  var str = [
      '  Usage: node-pre-gyp <command> [options]',
      '  where <command> is one of:', (c) {
        return '    - ' + c + ' - ' + require('./' + c).usage;
      'node-pre-gyp@' + this.version + '  ' + path.resolve(__dirname, '..'),
      'node@' + process.versions.node
  return str;

 * Version number getter.

Object.defineProperty(proto, 'version', {
    get: function () {
      return this.package.version;
    enumerable: true